Abu Dis, Sheikh Saed, Olive Crossing,
Michaela R., Yehudith S. (reporting)
06:40 Sheikh Saed
Very few crossing -- passage flows.
07:20 Zeitim Crossing
Traffic flowing rapidly, crossing time a few minutes. There were no lines at the entrance to the corridors.
From Zeitim Crossing we drove to Az-za'ayyem
From the Zeitim Crossing we turned right, then right again, and reached the tunnel under the main road to Ma'aleh Adumim where there is a checkpoint for vehicles. We turned right again to reach behind the checkpoint (the direction from which Az-Za'ayyem residents arrive).
It appears that the entire team has been changed: border police, civilian security guards, and military police. Traffic of trucks and minibuses is lively. Passengers descend, two security personnel board and do a quick check. The passengers return and the minibus sets off.
Today the checks were short and business-like with no harrassments either of Palestinians or of ourselves (contrary to our experience of recent weeks, when the attitude was arrogant and contemptuous, as they tried to send us back from our regular observation point, or prevent us from filming).