Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Wed 19.1.11, Morning
Meytar crossing
6:45 A few workers still coming through the checkpoint
Along the way we saw school children on their way to school and adults walking or waiting for rides to their destinations.
A jeep was traveling the road in the direction of Hebron.
Dura Elfawwar
7:15: Open.
Beit Haggai
There were several army vehicles waiting at the gate of the settlement and one jeep leaving. On a road just before the Administration of Coordination and Liaison, there were several army vehicles and a number of soldiers on the road, one of whom was holding a red flag. It seemed to be some sort of exercise.
Sheep Junction
7:20, open
There were two jeeps standing on a side road between Bnai Naim and Hebron.
Check Point 160 is closed.
7:30-8:30. We checked the various crossings on foot, leaving Mohammad and the van near the Pharmacy crossing. At the Pharmacy crossing, two women from CPT were watching the children make the crossing. They told us that each morning they count the number of children who cross and how many have their backpacks checked. The woman from Ireland is making a movie about children detainees. The principal of one of the girls’ schools stopped to wish all of us good morning. The children passed through the checkpoint quickly today because it is exam period and they were not carrying backpacks. The walk up to the Tarpat crossing was quiet. We met 3 observers from TIPH who were standing at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the Cordova girls’ school.
At Tarpat, there was a lone observer from TIPPI. She said there were no problems this morning. There were about 7-8 soldiers at the checkpoint. Two seemed to be working while the others were standing around and talking.
We walked up the hill to the Tel Romeidah junction. One soldier was standing there. There seemed to be more closer to Tel Romeida itself. We returned to the van via the Patriarchs’ Cave Tomb crossing. All was quiet.
Shuyukh junction.
8:30 Barriers still in place. People crossing on foot.
Meytar Crossing
9:05 Cross back. After having our IDs checked we were waved through but then stopped by another older guard who asked if the Human Rights Organizations couldn’t undertake do something about the amount of dust in the area rather than only helping the Palestinians. He said it with a smile so we took it as his way to pass time on a boring shift.