Etzion DCL, Nuaman (Masmuria), Thu 6.1.11, Afternoon
Eastern Gush-Etzion, Mazmoria, Etzion DCL 13.00 - 16.00 PM: we drove from Har-Homa which is ever expanding, along the Eastern Gush-Etzion road, up to the Mazmoria CP. We asked the soldiers to let us enter the village and their response was positive; the barbed wire at the entrance was lowered and the bar was raised. The village looked deserted. We did not see a living soul.
We drove further towards Herodeon and saw some new gardening at the entrance to Nokedim. Also, a lot of building goes on there.
In the waiting hall of the Etzion DCL were about ten people, there was no soldier at the window and the turnstile was open. Some of the people were stuck between the turnstile and the window. When we called and reported -two soldiers appeared at the window and the girl soldier shouted at the crowd: "La-wara, la-wara" (move back, move back), no "Please" or "Thank You" is being used. When all the people moved back they were ordered to come in one by one. Most of them came for passes (Tasrich) and all were let in and served eventually.