Habla/ Eliyahu Crossing/ Falamya/ Anabta / Shufa / Jubara / Tee'nim Crossing
06:50 Habla Agricultural Gate
Gate is open with a steady stream of people on foot, a car or two, several horse drawn carts are passing through. The checking at the gate is quick and efficient. At 07:00 two school buses arrive. The drivers get off the bus, present their documents and the buses are passed through
07:30 Eliyahu Crossing
Steady stream of cars passing through without delay. We observed approx 10 individuals who were waiting to go through checkpoint 109. At this time of day they should have passed through. We were unable to stop and check out the situation as we were late to meet a Palestinian who is black listed by the police. A MW member is trying to help him negotiate through this problem and we had to meet him to get his signature for a power of attorney.
08:10 Falamya Agricultural Gate
The gate is open, one person on foot, one car and one tractor are passed through without delay during the time we were there
09:10 Anabta Checkpoint
Open passage through the checkpoint
09:20 Shufa Village
We notice that the side road from Mashufa Village is now open and the villagers now have access to the main road
09:25 Jubara
We ask the military police to open the gate to Jubara for us. After consultation with his superiors and checking our documentation (Machsom Watch Business Cards) the checkpoint commander opens the gate for us and allows us access. We drive up the road to the main Jubara checkpoint and observe from there. When we return, again the checkpoint commander opens the gate to let us out
10:00 Te’enim Crossing
Smooth flowing traffic through this crossing