'Anabta, Deir Sharaf, Huwwara, Jubara (Kafriat), Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 28.4.11, Morning
10:00 Za'tara - We passed the junction without seeing a single soldier. The traffic was light except from Nablus, but all the vehicles were going through the junction smoothly.
10:10 Huwwara -The checkpoint was open and the cars were going into Nablus without any checking. A group of 5 soldiers was leaving the tower and the post to the east of the checkpoint. Another group of soldiers had taken their place, but they were only observing and not checking any cars. The soldiers that were leaving stopped at our car and asked us who we were and what we were doing there. Showing my tag I answered, "We're Machsom Watch." One very young looking soldier asked rather cheekily, "Watch what?" And I answered, "Watch you." But he paid no attention to my answer as one of the other soldiers was explaining to him who we are.
Before entering Deir Sharaf, by the barrels, there was an active checkpoint. A line had formed of about 20 vehicles and they were being checked before going on in the direction of Nablus. Further inside Deir Sharaf, where there had been a checkpoint for several days from the time of the incident at "Joseph's Tomb", there was no checkpoint on Thursday.
Anabta checkpoint was open and the traffic was moving easily.
11:00 Jubara checkpoint -Two police vans stood at the side of the passage facing toward Nablus. Men were getting out of the vans. We surmised that these were released prisoners who were returned to the territories. (Is it possible they were from Awarta?) The men were simply dropped off at the checkpoint to find their own way home.