Beit Furik, Deir Sharaf, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Tue 26.4.11, Afternoon
14:50 –
Za’tara junction – soldiers in their positions, the checkpoint isn’t manned.
15:20 –
Yitzhar/Huwwara junction – Flying checkpoint
15:35 –
Huwwara – Manned. Only vehicles entering Nablus bearing yellow license plates are inspected.
16:00 –
Beit Furiq – Two soldiers at the checkpoint.
They stop and interrogate us: Who are you? Do you have a permit? We explained we’re from Machsom Watch and only want to drive around a little and see how the Huwwara checkpoint operates on the side from Nablus to Israel. One of the soldiers calls the DCO and asks for an ID card. After waiting on the line the soldier apologizes and explains he got an order that no vehicle bearing yellow plates may go through. We asked how long the checkpoint has been here; since Sunday, he said. We started to lose patience, the soldier asked for Badim’s ID again – at this point we gave up, and went back.
16:20 –
Route 60 – Checkpoints to the north and the south.
17:00 –
A checkpoint at the entrance to Deir Sharaf
Checkpoints, checkpoints everywhere.