'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Mon 18.7.11, Morning

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Leah R., Anna N.S. (reporting)

Translator:  Charles K.

06:05  A’anin checkpoint (agricultural checkpoint)

About 50 people wait in the middle of the checkpoint as well as a number of tractors and relatively many children.  The crossing goes smoothly.  Some people, mostly younger, aren’t allowed through.  Either their permits aren’t valid or the parent they’re accompanying didn’t bring their children’s identifying documents.

A donkey foal escapes its owners – two youths – and runs across the checkpoint toward the descent into the wadi.  People tell us it’s looking for its mother, who’s down there with the Bedouin.  The two youths race after it and a soldier runs after them with his weapon.  They catch the donkey and bring it back to the checkpoint.  A few minutes later the donkey escapes again in the same direction, but this time the soldiers don’t allow the youths to go through the checkpoint after it.  A donkey escaping without authorization, the locals joke.

The damage caused by Israeli cattle to the olive groves belonging to the farmers from A’anin in the seam zone continues.  The owners of the herds carried out their threat to damage the trees of whoever reports them to the police, and the farmers are helpless.  They can leave the village and go to their groves only twice a week; the groves are unguarded the rest of the time.  We met one of the farmers who’d suffered damages; he said that representatives of the Israeli and Palestinian DCO were supposed to come today and inspect the damage to the trees caused by the cattle and the herdsmen.  But no one showed up.  M., from the DCO, said that it would be taken care of during the week, that they’re dealing with it seriously and will also involve the Israeli police.

07:00  Shaked-Tura checkpoint

The soldiers are busy opening the checkpoint gatesinfo-icon on both sides.  A few minutes later a line has formed at the revolving gate at the entrance to the inspection building (a soldier sits inside next to a scanner for belongings and a computer that registers those going through).  A flock of goats follows in the rear.  Inspection is rapid, without delays on either side.  A numbers of female students and regulars cross to the West Bank.

07:30  Reihan-Barta’a checkpoint

A taxi going to the West Bank is being inspected, the passengers waiting outside the vehicle for the return of their documents.  Israeli cars pass quickly on a separate road.  Five trucks with agricultural produce in the parking lot, and two more wait for inspection on the road.

The yellow metal gates on the hill opposite the checkpoint leading to the road to Yabed and Kafin, are locked. Whoever wants to reach these two localities must make a big detour on the Jenin-Tulkarm road.

On our way back past the Reihan checkpoint, the trucks are now being inspected.

A group of mothers with children under five arrives; the children apparently are ill or handicapped.  A taxi waits for them and all drive away together, apparently for treatment.

The people we meet here are tired and despairing, but they’ve stopped complaining.  Perhaps it’s the heat that can already be felt at this hour, or perhaps it’s the exhausting and humiliating Occupation, whose operation is ostensibly “OK,” and even says good morning.