'Anabta, Ramin, Sat 24.3.12, Morning
Translator: Hanna K.
We drove to check the matter of the approach road to the village of Ramin, as Yael asked as to.
We went by road 55
11:15 on road 5066, immediately at the turning in the direction of Ariel there were two military jeeps and a flying CP for cars travelling eastwards.
When we arrived there were about 8 soldiers and a car parked on the side, detained. It was released 3 minutes later. While the soldiers stopped another car and checked the papers of its passengers, one jeep left in the direction of Al Funduq.
The second car was released 5 minutes later.
In the meantime all the cars travelling on this road continued without being stopped.
We continued.
11:45 The Anabta CP
We met here a man from Beit Lid and asked about a road that had perhaps been opened from the village of Ramin to the main Road.
He claimed that there wasn't anything new like this, but on the other hand showed us a new obstruction which the army had put up just a week before on a mud road leaving the village.
The asphalt road too which is situated not far he showed us – it is blocked 11 years already.
We entered and turned right to the village of Ramin.
I reckon that after about 10 kms of a winding narrow and very beautiful road we reached the village.
We visited three groceries, talked a bit, bought a bit, distributed visiting cards.
We heard from everybody that there was indeed nothing new concerning the sortie to the main road.