Hebron, Thu 17.5.12, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
We’re detained by the guard at the entrance to Kiryat Arba because he doesn’t know us. A few minutes later he opens the gate – we’re not sure whether for us or for the car behind us. We hoped he didn’t fetch Anat Cohen.
Other than many children returning from school – it’s 12:30 – the streets are almost empty; it was too quiet during our entire circuit – or, more accurately – few residents.
But a few tourist buses ride around the town – religious Jews from the United States, pupils, etc.
A group of soldiers guards the Jewish cemetery (that’s new!)
The booth at Tel Rumeida proudly flies an Israeli flag and a large black and red flag (belonging to the army unit?). Israeli flags fly from every corner.
We surprised Anat Cohen next to Beit Hadassah: she recognizes us just as we almost passed her by, smiles and salutes! She must have been very surprised. A local (?) Jewish guide leads a group of tourists up the stairs to the Cordova school.
The booth at the entrance to the worshippers route is empty.
Today we drove from Jerusalem. At the junction to Highway 60 we saw to our amazement soldiers standing dressed in white from head to toe. Faces painted white, their weapons looked white as well, just like living statues, but they moved normally.