About 20 persons in a growing line; ten munutes later a line of some 30 reaches the slope. Checking proceeds slowly.
The line is crowded, mostly men. A woman asked to move to the descending corridor to avoid bodily friction, but the man in the booth sent her back to the crowded line.
At 6:15 the children start to arrive, making their way through the crowd. One by one they display their permits at the booth. A little one, 5 or 6 years old, stretches his body to reach the booth's window.
Crossing time: over 10 minutes.
A young man is refused.
7:00 Olive Terminal
Sheep and goats wander into the waiting shelter.
At the checkpoint itself, movement is fast.
The bus area is lively with pupils.
At the checkpoints for both pedestrians and vehicles -- occupation routine continues.