Jaba (Lil), Qalandiya, Sun 10.6.12, Afternoon
Translating: Ruth Fleishman
*If it wasn't a security and a humanitarian issue- we would be doing this!"
Qalandiya checkpoint:
A twelve year old pale and weak girl was detained in the ambulance that brought her from Ramallah in wait for the ambulance from
Jerusalem to arrive. Then, with hesitations, when the back-to-back procedure was being implemented she gathered her strength that was running out of her body, as she was transferred from the first vehicle to the other that took her to Mukased hospital.
At the bus lane intended for the privileged (anyone who isn't a resident of Palestine) we learned that the proc
edure that we had encountered when the checkpoint was first opened, according to which upon arriving at the age of 50 a person is permitted to pass through while seated inside the bus, was changed and is now more strict as the age that defines a person as elderly has risen to:"only is the person is at least sixty", one of the said.
Jaba checkpoint:
*If it wasn't a security and a humanitarian issue- we would be doing this!", said Gidi who was coaching a dog trainer as she was training the dog using a Palestinian vehicle that was hunted done arbitrarily.
-From the back, from the front and inside.
Once the mission was completed Gidi crossed the road and came towards us, he saod that is wasn't true that they train the dogs on Palestinians. That the preliminary training ("which is like kindergarten") is preformed at the base. "This over here is like school for them", he added and elaborated on the preposterous metaphor and moved on to talk about the security of the country while ignoring the question whether it was necessary to use vehicles when training the dogs, why the hell don't they train them at Givat Zeev, which is closer to their base, "base Adam", or perhaps train them at Rehaviya.
Oz, the checkpoint commander tried very hard to intimidate us so that we wouldn't watch them or take picture of their activity, told horrific stories about the dangers of entering the occupied territories through Qalandiya checkpoint (which is where we entered) and said that we were endangering our lives by standing by "his" checkpoint: "You better go away. There are a lot of warnings", the only new thing he had to say was regarding the reason why taking photos was forbidden: "There is military equipment here, so no pictures".