'Einabus, Haris, Huwwara, Jama'in, Kifl Harith, Za'tara (Tapuah), Tue 15.5.12, Morning
We entered the West Bank through the Shomron gate. There was a checkpoint manned by soldiers and police who weren’t stopping vehicles.
All’s quiet in Jama’in, shops are open, no sign of Nakba Day, likewise in Einabus.
Heavier military traffic at Huwwara; an armored personnel carrier is parked at a location by the roadside, a soldier with weapon drawn standing alongside.
No soldiers or vehicle inspections at the Huwwara checkpoint, but we see soldiers in the observation tower.
No soldiers at the Za’tara crossing lanes, but a few stand in the parking lot.
A military jeep is parked on Highway 505 next to the abandoned building in Marda.
We drove to Kifl Hars and on to Hars where the women awaited, happily welcoming us with cakes and drinks. We conducted two classes – English, and knitting.