Qalandiya, Mon 11.6.12, Morning

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Judy Orestav, Maya Bailey (reporting)


Translator:  Charles K.


06:00  As soon as we reach the parking lot we can already hear the familiar noise, and see the long lines stretching out of the waiting room.

The familiar chaos, hundreds of people crowding into the cages, the pushing, shouting, cries of frustration, and nothing moves.  The shift changes; maybe now they’ll also open the humanitarian gate, because there’s certainly a great need for it today. 

We try to find out why the lines barely move but nobody is willing to talk to us except the laborers trying not to lose a work day.  Most begin working at 7 AM; today they won’t arrive on time.  Those who start at 6 AM are already late, or have already lost a day of work.


Finally the police officer in the inner courtyard is free to speak to us; he says that today many more people happened to arrive.  We say the staff is working slowly, they don’t open everything on time and aren’t paying attention to what’s happening in the waiting room.

An argument begins about who’s been waiting since 3 or 4 AM, who’s lying or being inaccurate about when people arrive.  What’s important is to be there and care about helping people get through, be sensitive to those trying to earn an honest living.

We spoke to very many laborers today; they deserve a minimal level of service, to have things made easier for them.  If there’s a will.


But, much too often, there isn’t!!!!