'Anin, Mevo Dotan (Imriha), Reihan, Shaked, Thu 28.6.12, Afternoon
15:10 A'anin CP
We arrived ten minutes after opening hour. The gates are open, there are soldiers in the area of the CP; there are no people waiting and there are no people going through. Perhaps they have already gone through and the late-comers have not yet arrived.
15:30 Reihan-Barta'a, Palestinian side
We rushed in with a fellow whom we brought from Rambam hospital to the Reihan-Barta'a CP. We let him get off, as we had to, at the opening of the sleeve up above and we went down to the lower parking lot, the Palestinian one, which was completely full. Yellow taxis waited to drive those who had gone to work in the seamline zone in the morning. The parking lot at the top of the road was also completely full. The workers have not yet arrived, and at this time only a few people have gone through. Our hitch-hiker went through the terminal quite quickly and was surprised to find us on the other side of the terminal. He invited us for coffee to his home in Kabatiya, but unfortunately we couldn't accept his invitation.
15:45 Dothan (Ya'abed) CP
The CP is manned; the soldiers stop the cars arriving from Jenin or Ya'abed for a quick inspection. For some reason they also stop some of the cars going into the Palestinian Authority. On our way back to the Reihan-Barta'a CP, we saw many more cars than usual parked on both sides of the concrete blocks which block cars from coming from the north and the south and getting on to the road which leads to the Reihan CP. In order to avoid a long journey around, the drivers leave the vehicles here and go to the CP on foot or they catch a taxi.
16:15 Reihan-Barta'a, on the side of the seamline zone.
Three cars are waiting to go through to the West Bank. Women and girls, dressed up in sparkling dresses, get out of one of them. At this time the workers are already beginning to flow into the CP, and they enter the terminal in fives. Four detainees are sitting on a bench at the opening of the terminal. There is already a queue. It is hot, everybody is tired, and we call Sharon, the man in charge of the CP. He checks the cameras in his office which cover the entire CP. He says that 30-40 people do not make a real queue, and still, he immediately begins to call people in larger groups and the queue disappears. One person says that it is a pity we didn't arrive in the morning, because this week the passage is especially slow.
17:05: There is no queue. There are three detainees on the bench in the terminal. We leave.