Qalandiya, Mon 16.7.12, Afternoon

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Natanya, Yael S. (Reporting); Guests: Sue and Susan from the center of the country

Translation: Bracha B.A.


We left for the checkpoint with two guests, which gave the shift a different perspective.  We were certain that nothing would happen and spent the way offering our guests short explanations.  We did not get to Anta in the end and arrived via the old road between A-Ram and Qalandiya.  We considered leaving the car on the Israeli side of the checkpoint, which would me we would have to return by way of the checkpoint or enter the parking lot.  Despite a long traffic jam we arrived after 20 minutes and parked on the Palestinian side.   

We gave our guests an explanation about the checkpoint and then entered the checkpoint.  We encountered Palestinian children who were on their way to a sulha at Neveh Shalom – an integrated Arab-Israeli village.  (See details here.   Their escort asked us if we could help six of the children cross who had permits but who had not brought their kushan (registration certificates).   The permits had pictures of the children, so it was not clear to me why a kushan was required as well.    


I made a telephone call to the officer in charge of the permits at Qalandiya who came out to see us immediately.   The children and their escort were allowed to cross within 20 minutes. 


Another incident involved a Palestinian who had received a letter for "family unification" but the letter was in the system and he had to get a new magnetic card and fill out a form and pay NIS 40.  He was brought to the Liaison and Coordination Administration, where they explained the procedure to him for the third time.   We were pleased that our guests had an opportunity to see us in action.  From there we visited the filthy restrooms and Netanya photographed the ones on the way to Ramallah. 

 We found a note on the windshield of our car in English and Arabic instructing us not to park our car in the checkpoint parking lot on Thursdays from 20:00 to 05:00 and that any car parked there would be towed.   The note read "During the Holy Month of Ramadan" in Arabic.)

We drove by way of Jeba-Lil where we were surprised to see two Palestinians vehemently arguing with two soldiers.  Their relatives who had been driving north were stopped at the checkpoint and their expensive jeep was parked on the side of the road parallel to the checkpoint.   The people who had come with bottles of soft drinks discovered that their relatives were not there.  Here we learned that if people were detained they must approach the Central Command since they are the ones responsible for finding out what happened to missing people.   After about a half hour the central command answered and  verified that the people had been detained for questioning, but refused to offer any information, except that they would either be released or arrested, after which the family would be notified.  I would hate to be in that situation.  It should be noted that there was traffic backed up on the road north of Qalandiya and there was a line of cars two kilometers long.  At 18:00 we decided not to drive to Anta and to end the shift.