Anabta, Azzun, Ar-Ras, Beit Iba, Deir Sharaf, Eliyahu crossing, Habla, Jayyus, Kufr Jammal, Te'enim crossing, Wed. 17.10.12 morning
9:00 am: Tamar is a new member of MachsomWatch and this was her first tour as an observer.
We went through the Eliyahu gate, into Azzunand under road 55 toward Tulkarem. We passed Jayyus, Kafr Jammal and A-ras.We noted that as we went further from Qalqiliya the hills were barren. There were fewer and fewer olive trees. We speculated that lack of water was the reason.
We were looking for olive harvesters but saw almost none. The olive harvest is not yet in full swing.
By the Te'enim gatewe met Abed for whom we had brought forms to sign. We saw the empty checkpoint inAnabtaand went on to Dir Sharrafsay hello to our old friend, Jammal, at his mini market. We visited the area where the Beit Ibacheckpoint had been, and explained to Tamar how it had once worked. Tamar also saw the beautiful wall surrounding an olive grove and Shavei Shomron settlement. We drove through Al-Fundukand Nabi Elyas, and left by the Eliyahu gate.
We visited the Habla gatethat was closed at that hour, 11:00 am.