'Einabus, Haris, Huwwara, Jama'in, Kifl Harith, Qira, Za'tara (Tapuah), Zeta, Mon 3.12.12, Morning
10:15 Haris: There is little traffic and almost no one in the streets.
10:20 Kifl Haris: The village is deserted…silent
10:25 Qira: The village is quiet and deserted. We drove to the home of the club’s coordinator. She greeted us happily and joined us to drive to the club. It’s clean, organized but empty (after a three-month break). A few more women joined us immediately and with the help of Nadim who translated we arranged to continue our activities. We agreed on dates until Passover (afterwards – we’ll see what happens…). We drove the coordinator home and continued our circuit.
11:15 Zeita: This village is almost deserted as well. All the shops are closed except for grocerys, and we hardly see anyone. We saw children returning from school – why so early???
11:25 Jamma’in: It’s quiet and deserted here also, except for a single grocery.
11:35 Einabus: Ditto.
In general: We should mention that in all the localities we drove through today the streets were clean – far more than in years past, There were no overflowing garbage cans nor refuse strewn in the street.
11:45 Huwwara: Most of the shops are open and there’s quite a bit of traffic on the streets, both cars and pedestrians. We saw a military jeep at the Yitzhar junction.
Huwwara checkpoint: We saw a large truck carrying concrete blocks, a crane alongside unloading them, and two military jeeps. We asked the soldiers what’s being built; they said the “soldiers’ compound” is being enlarged. We asked why; they said so more soldiers could be stationed there. We asked whether the checkpoint will again be closed. They didn’t know.
We drove back to Huwwara. We saw a soldier in the tower at the turn-off to the Beracha settlement and other by the side of the road. A military jeep parked at the Yitzhar junction.
12:20 Za’tara: The checkpoint is quiet. There are a few soldiers at the guard post.
12:30 We returned via the Shomron crossing.