'Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 15.11.12, Afternoon

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Riva Bachrach, Yehudit Levin (report and photographs)

Translator: Hanna K.



 The second day of the war in Gaza.

The presence of the army/police is felt.

A demonstration at the Huwwara CP.

13:50 - Habla CP – The gate is open and there is a sparse traffic of people who cross and are being checked in the rooms. Vehicles are checked separately by the soldiers. The gate will be shut at 14:15.

14:20 - A military vehicle is parked near the entrance to Azzun.

14:21 – three attached military vehicles pass in front of us (road no. 55) .

14:30 – At the entrance to Immatin – there is a military command-car parked. An armed


soldier is outside the vehicle.


14:35 – Jit Junction – a police vehicle is parked perpendicular to the road.

Yasam policemen (Yasam – a special patrol unit of the police) check two Palestinian vehicles.


14:45 – Huwwara CP – There are very many soldiers and military vehicles

at the CP: opposite them youngsters

demonstrating, holding Palestine banners   

. A soldier told us that the demonstration

is in support of Abu Mazen, and his

endeavour to pass Palestine as an

observer state in the United Nations. We are told that the demonstrators arrived at the CP at 13:00 hrs. During the demonstration there is no disturbance to the traffic of vehicles to and from Nablus.

15:00 – The demonstrators return to Nablus. We see that soldiers run after

them. One stone is thrown.


15:15 – Awarta CP – The iron arm is shut and locked.














15:20 – Beit Furik CP – there are no

soldiers.We were told that yesterday at half past four 

in the morning settlers tried to enter Nablusfrom here, and that the army and the police

prevented it.

15:25 At the exit from Nablus, north of the

Huwwara CP' as an aftermath to the demonstration,tires are burning on the road.