'Einabus, Haris, Huwwara, Kifl Harith, Qira, Shomron Crossing, Za'tara (Tapuah), Zeta, Wed 30.1.13, Morning
Natanya translating.
When we got to Kafr Kassem Nadin told us that the director of the centre at Kira had phoned to say that the women would not be coming to the centre because they were in mourning for a friend of theirs who had died. Therefore we decided to take a slightly longer tour.
10.00 Haris. The village was quiet and abandoned. Most of the shops were shut. It was rainy and misty. Outside the village in the olive orchards the almond trees were in bloom….beautiful.
10.10 Kif'l Harith. The village was completely empty. Here too we saw the almond trees in bloom.
10.15 Qira.There were a few people in the streets and little traffic.
10.25 Zeita. Here we saw no people or cars.
10.30 Einabus.Here there was more traffic, both of people and of cars. We went to the market in the middle of the village. Opposite us we saw the corpses of cows and sheep hung up on a line for sale and also for a meal. This is something we have not seen for a long time in the middle of a town.
10.35 Huwwara.We went through the village and came to the checkpoint. We saw a group of soldiers checking the cars entering Nablus. Most of the cars were allowed through immediately but sometimes one was stopped for a very long and detailed search. I asked the soldiers why there were such searches today and received the reply…"Routine checks." I asked the most senior soldier amongst them how he knew which car to check and he replies, "I already have experience. I have developed an insight and a knowledge which is particular to this." It is important to note that the opposite line of car which were coming from Nablus were not checked at all.
11.05 Za'tara/Tapuach CP. The checkpoint was almost empty……no soldier at all.
11.20 Shomron crossing….We go home.