Habla, Sun 10.3.13, Morning
Translated by Devora K.
Today there was a demonstration by women's organizations in Kalkilya with members of Machsom Watch, on both sides of the Agricultural CP, Habla in honor of International Women's Day.
The demonstration was a protest against the occupation and against the wall (the event was postponed from the 8th of March to the 10th.
In the photographs you can barely see the
Palestinian women who stood on the other side of the wall and waved their flags.
On our side there was a group on a trip to the occupied territories, guided by Daniela and Ayana. Among us there was a group from the Hebrew Blacks in Dimona, some of whom were with us for the second time.
Among those on the trip there was also our member Anneline (with her sister who came to Israel on a visit) increasing the number
of our members at the demonstration to four: Daniela, Ayana, Anneline and Dalia. Our friend Souhad from Kalkilya who organized the demonstration and invited us to participate in it, waved her Palestinian flag in greeting and we responded by waving the Machsom Watch flag.
The soldiers' response to the demonstration was what we expected -- closing the CP.
I rang Tami to ask her to see to their opening the CP. The CP was opened again only after the soldiers took away the Palestinian flags and told the women that it would be opened only if they went away, which they did. The soldiers took the flags away with them. One was left lying on the ground at the edge of the CP. I could not get close enough to salvage it. Those taking part in the trip had the experience of this event, some even waved the Machsom Watch flags together with us.