Bethlehem (300), Fri 22.3.13, Morning
Naomi Gal (translating)
[On the way to] Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300, the Old City: since Obama's visit to Bethlehem was intended for noon we thought it might be possible to approach the checkpoint. Already at the intersection there were many policemen, Border Guards, and a blockade.
I parked close to the monastery and walked up to the checkpoint. Just a few meters before the entrance to the checkpoint astonished policemen stopped me and could not comprehend how I got this far, how come I wasn’t stopped at the intersection.
They said there is no one at the checkpoint at this time, and that it has been closed since morning to Palestinians and to everyone else. The checkpoint will be opened in the afternoon, at 16:00.
Back to the intersection - a lot of cars, apparently belonging to the American delegation, many policemen.
Driving to Damascus Gate - all the way many policemen and within the Old City multitude of Border Guards.