Qalandiya, Tue 30.4.13, Morning

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Virginia, Ina F. (reporting)

Translator: Charles K.


The checkpoint was empty when we arrived at 05:45. Everyone who arrived until we left at 07:15 crossed freely through the revolving gate in the left-hand fenced corridor. There was no need for the humanitarian gate and it didn’t open.


We again met this morning two members of Human Rights-Blue and White, who brought a journalist. He interviewed us also; the article will apparently appear in the next few days on the English website of The Times of Israel. We wonder which newspaper will be here next week.


Again we talked about the great differences in the situation at Qalandiya from one day to the next, this time with the duty police officer and the DCO soldier. Again their explanation was that fewer people came today than last Tuesday, but we said that it doesn’t make sense that so many fewer people are going to work and to school today in particular. The mystery continues.