Hebron, Tarqumiya, Sun 19.5.13, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
We left Yeruham for Tarqumiyya at 5 AM via the Shokat junction. We arrived at the Tarqumiyya checkpoint at 06:11; it was still open. We were approached immediately and asked whom to contact regarding people blacklisted by the police, by the Shabak, and to help recover funds left as a guarantee with the Tel Aviv court.
We didn’t have many answers. We promised to find out and get back to them.
People asked us to come to the checkpoint more frequently, early in the morning. The crossing opens at 03:30. They say some 5000 people cross here. The TIPH personnel say “hundreds” cross. That’s a big discrepancy, but my impression nevertheless is that it’s worth going there.
A military vehicle was parked at the Shiyuch junction; there were no detainees.
07:06 We stopped at Curve 160. Border Police soldiers there, commanded by a female soldier named Ariel Yeshu’a; she asked for our IDs, made us move “off to the side,” claiming that the area next to the checkpoint is a military area, and our presence there “interferes with her work.” You wanted feminism? You got it.
While we were there we saw two Palestinian cars arriving at the checkpoint from the area that’s off limits. The Border Police soldiers check the trunk, lift the barrier and the car crosses to the Palestinian side. At exactly the same time a limping, handicapped woman using two canes must come up the road on foot. She reaches the checkpoint; a car comes from the Palestinian side to pick her up, the TIPH representative says/asks us what are the criteria for permitting people to ride instead of walk, and why isn’t being handicapped one of the parameters?
Still at Curve 160 – the bus transporting settlers’ children to school in Kiryat Arba passes by, and at the same time dozens of Palestinian children walk in all directions to their schools.
A small consolation: The checkpoint barrier was raised for two handicapped girls in wheelchairs instead of making them go through the concrete passage, even though people who attempted at the same moment to cross on the road were sent back and had to use the concrete passage, because that’s how it’s supposed to be, even though the magnemometer is out of order.
Then to a quick circuit of Hebron, which was full of soldiers, and also three vehicles with TIPH staff.
On our way back we saw a new building under construction at the Eshtamo’a settlement; they’re erecting the frame.