'Einabus, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Jama'in, Kifl Harith, Za'tara (Tapuah), Zeta, Mon 6.5.13, Morning

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Sandy L., Rachel A., Hanah A. (reporting), Nadim, Translator: Judith Green


Remark:  For logistic reasons, we joined the leaders of womens' groups who were on a trip at Zeita, for a short shift.


11:00 -A command car and 2 Israeli military jeeps were traveling on the winding road between Kifel Harth and Zeita.  When we reached Zeita, a man turned to us for help in removing his "restricted" classification from the GSS, and we are dealing with  it.

We went by way of Jama'in, 'Einbus, Harith, Huwarra, to watch the demonstration of strength confirmed by "oriental-Jewish" symbols of building and "decorating" the roundabout right before Huwarra.  In the empty parking lot of the checkpoint, next to the buildings, fences, guard tower and booths which are a reminder of the past and a warning for the future, a vehicle, on which there was some sort of writing about "security ", was standing.  Cars were traveling in both directions without stopping. 


12:08 - we went to see the checkpoint of Beit Furik as well, and continued past the grey metal arm by which the IDF can stop the traffic in the direction to Beit  Dag'an. A taxi driver going in that direction said that an hour ago there was a flying checkpoint there and soldiers were checking Palestinian cars.


12:30 - Za'atra – there were Border Police vehicles, but the inspection booths were not manned.