Kufr alDik, Wed 29.5.13, Morning
Natanya translating
On the way next to the entrance on the main road to Bruqin we saw two Israeli cars parked and a large man standing and watching all the cars passing on the road.
At 10.00 we arrived at the community centre at the village of A’Dik. There were also some children and a 15 day old baby.
A large group of women were already waiting for us ready for the activities which today consisted mainly of handwork. In the centre was a table laden with cardboard boxes of pickled cucumbers in jars. It seems that the women had prepared the cucumbers for someone who was coming from “Al Kuds” which had been ordered by someone who needed a specific spice. They gave us the recipe. The price of a large jar was 10 shekel which they thought was expensive! They hope to see their produce there. They told us that in the village shop the price of a small jar was 6-7 shekel. The jars were in the centre because they had not yet found a car big enough to take the produce to Jerusalem.
On another table we found much handwork of the women……necklaces, trays, wooden ashtrays, handwork on an embroidered base covered in glass, key rings with embroidery, a decoration for the gate and many other things which the women had prepared for a fair which would take place in Bir Zeit on the 26th of June in 5 days time. They hope to sell their goods. Each item had its price on it and the name of the person who had made it. It seems that Hanaan, the organizer, has a very commercial brain. She is always looking for something new which the women can do.
At the last meeting the women asked to learn how to make pot holders. We began to work on this. We could not finish very much because only one woman knew how to use the sewing machine and she could not manage everything.
When we finished the meeting a young woman came to the centre who spoke excellent English. She is a worker for the environmental health and also works with US AID. She said that they had planted an organic garden in the village and they wish to raise the consciousness of the inhabitants as to this subject. Some women asked about the trips to the sea and wanted to know when they would be going.
We left about 1.00