Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Sun 7.7.13, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
Sansana-Meitar crossing
The crossing is empty.
Southern Hebron Hills
The entrance to Samu’a. A Palestinian stands with his hands up before a soldier from the Kfir unit. He’s released after we stop. The soldier is ordered by his commander not to answer us and they leave.
Along Highway 317 (and Nabil’s grocery opposite Hazif junction) – I haven’t gone on a shift for six months; the many red signs prohibiting entry to Palestinian localities have become more numerous. What particularly amazed me were the red signs that openly lie (unfortunately I didn’t take photographs) that the area is Area A, part of the Palestinian Authority.
A road five meters wide is being paved for the settlers’ benefit, which the Palestinian landowners will be prohibited from using on Saturdays and holidays, on land belonging to the Jaber family – Razem, Matariyya, Idris and Dana. We see a quiet gathering of the landowners. Giv’ati soldiers, police and workers stand around, waiting for instructions. One of the landowners said that the court in Jerusalem ruled that the road can’t be built on their land but that the army and police aren’t obeying the ruling, for security reasons. Leah can’t restrain herself in the face of the injustice, and to the amazement of the shocked onlookers, not needing a loudspeaker, here’s some of what she says to the soldiers on the hill:
“As a mother of soldiers serving in the army, I ask you to think about how you’re being used, and when you’re released, don’t remain silent! Jews steal land and livelihood from human beings created in God’s image!”
I hope her words, in a loud and clear voice, entered the soldiers’ ears and hearts, and certainly pleased the Palestinians (even if they couldn’t understand them), whose helplessness and despair could be imagined from the way they sat and acted.
As I said, the security forces were waiting for something. The “something” arrived. A husky young man emerged from a vehicle, his tzitzit flapping behind him, in which a blue thread was woven, signifying membership in an elite unit of the Holy One, Blessed be He, and a pistol, of course, on his ass. He told the soldiers and police to wait. The lord of the land buddy-buddied with them a bit. They get their orders from him.
A few months ago a memorial to the fallen was erected opposite this road which, as noted, links Palestinian families. The location implies that the incidents took place here. But the location seems to have been selected in order to sanctify the road with blood.