Ras Abu Sbitan (Olive Terminal), Sheikh Saed, Thu 8.8.13, Morning

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Rahel M., Michaela R. (reporting)





Id El-Fitr

8:00 Sheikh Saed

The peace of the holiday greets us at Jabel Mukhaber.  Most of the shops are closed.  Men in holiday garb stroll in the streets (the holiday custom is for men to call on female relatives), groups of young people cluster, and then suddenly an object flew out and hit our car.  We pulled out our machsom-watch posters, hoping to be protected by these talismans for the rest of our visit.

At the checkpoint: many men are crossing from Jabel Mukhaber to Sheikh Saed, evidence yet again that the same community resides in both locations.  We wonder whether it will be problematic to return to Jabel Mukhaber, since the authorities permit only those with a Sheikh Saed address to cross here.

The pile of garbage below Sheikh Saed has disappeared, and there are earthworks instead.  They appear to be preparations for the wall.

Olive Terminal

Very quiet, hardly anyone crossing.