Haris, Kifl Harith, Qira, Wed 10.4.13, Morning
Naomi Benzur, Harriet Goitein (Reporting)
Translator: Shelly K.
9:00: Leave Rosh Ha’ayin train station
9:30: Traveled via Haris, Kif'l Haret' to the Women’s Center in Qira.
The villages are quiet. We visited the home of one of the women in the group.
10:15: Naomi taught three women English for beginners. Harriet taught more advanced English on the subject of President Barack Obama. We read an article about his visit to Ramallah.
1l:15: Naomi taught everyone beginners’ Hebrew. She taught the entire “Alef-Bet” and emphasized its similarity to Arabic. There was enthusiasm about learning Hebrew.
12:30: Nadim arrived and we returned via Kif'l Haret' – we observed early stages of building.