Zeta, Wed 9.5.12, Morning
Translator: Hanna K.
The street in the villages we passed through were practically empty.
At the Samaria crossingeastwards used cars let to "slaughter" or sale were being checked, to make sure they aren't stolen.
At Za'tara/Tapuah there was a border police jeep which stopped for a short moment cars on their way to Huwwara, and when we came back the jeep stood facing Ramallah. While we were there it didn't stop anybody.
At Zeita the women waited for us in groups to learn Hebrew and necklace threading and an hour and a half later most of them proceeded for a gym lesson. As always their joy to see us and the warm welcome they afforded us demonstrate how everything should and could be different.
The group of women at Kifl Harith whose two coordinators we met two weeks ago in order to check the possibility of beginning activities with them decided that they weren't interested. Their answer was that they had not time. My feeling is that the reason is not only lack of time but their reluctance to associate with us, the wives of the conquerors. One can, of course, understand them.
One of the coordinators who lives in Qira said she wanted to check whether the group of women at Qira would be interested to meet us.
he street in the villages we passed through were practically empty.