Hebron, Susiya, Sun 27.10.13, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
We left Omer at 09:00.
Shoket junction is full of police vehicles.
Since it was late there was no reason to hurry to the checkpoint or to Hebron; we drove instead to observe the olive harvest. We began at Susiya. We ran into Nasser, who was on his way to Ramallah to meet the Irish consul. The outline plan for the Palestinian village of Susia was rejected by the higher level planning committee; their lawyers think the way to reverse that decision is through international pressure.
Regarding the olive harvest – 95% of the crop has been picked. The remaining groves are relatively far from the settlements and the settlers don’t reach them.
Well-plowed fields along the road to Hebron await the rain.
10:25 Gal farm was established next to Tamimi’s house. He told us that Palestinian youths may have thrown rocks, in response to which IDF soldiers fired tear gas grenades at the Tarak school. The boys were sent home.
Tents still stand near the Cave of the Patriarchs; they’d been erected for those who came on Friday and Saturday for the weekly portion of Chayey Sarah. Signs still point to the separate areas for men and for women. Abed’s souvenir shop has customers.
10:34 Giv’ati soldiers stop us on the road to the Cave of the Patriarchs. They arrived a week ago. Eight soldiers and their first sergeant encircle us; he’s checking whether we’re allowed to be here with a vehicle.
We continued our usual circuit. The place is a ghost town at this hour. It’s sad to see the old people and women walking up the steep road carrying heavy bundles.
Then home via Dahariyya, a town whose main street is lively and bustling with commerce.