Beit Furik, Haris, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah)
09:00 We left Rosh HaAyin
09:30 We arrived in Hars. Eleven women were already at the club, seated around the table, notebooks open. A very gratifying beginning. Two others joined later, new participants. Despite the two-week gap, the women remember the Hebrew words they’d learned and enthusiastically join in the question and answer exercises. Some are even trying to put letters together to form words they already know, or with the help of their children and/or spouses.
Today the subject is “days of the week.”
The tour:
10:05 Tapuach junction. Dozens of soldiers alight from two buses and gather in the parking lot. Two soldiers are seated at the bus stop. We see a third in the guard tower. Two Border Police soldiers randomly inspect Palestinian vehicles, asking to see documents. After inspection the drivers continue on their way.
10:30 Huwwara. The town is quiet. One soldier stands at the hitchhiking station on the way to the Beracha settlement. We see soldiers in the guard tower.
Beit Furik. The road is open, empty of vehicles.
10:45 Back to Tapuach junction. The soldiers who’d gotten out of the buses are no longer in sight.
11:00 Back to Hars.