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Galit A., Hagit B. (reporting); Charles K. (trans)


What did we see today?  Today the Palestinian Authority is celebrating Muhammad’s birthday – which didn’t stop the army from deciding it was just the day to conduct a large exercise in Hebron.


Masses of soldiers everywhere.


The Abed Karim family plows with a donkey its land next to the “Hazzon David” synagogue, the illegal outpost below Giv’at Ha’avot.  Tractors aren’t allowed in Area H2, and if they don’t continually prove they own the land it also will be taken from them.


The Tel Rumeida archaeological dig progresses under the noses of the Abu Ayyash and Abu Heikhal families; it continues to interfere and frighten them.  Four Border Police soldiers protect the excavators; it doesn’t occur to them they’re like a bone in the Palestinians’ throats.  We give Abu Ayyash and a friend of his a ride down from Tel Rumeida to the checkpoint.  “Why aren’t any of our taxis here?,” he asks.  “It’s one thing going downhill, but the climb back up is really hard for me…”  That’s how it is for an elderly man like him.  He tells us he was born next to Beit Hadassah and his parents saved Jews during the 1929 riots. Why do I deserve this?, he asks M., our driver, and us.  I have no answer.


Otherwise, Hebron was quiet today.