Nabi Ilyas
The first Hebrew class at Nabi Elias was a success. Five of the ten women came, and a young man. They’re a determined group, highly motivated, understanding everything (except for one woman who was having a little difficulty).
During the lesson, which lasted 1¾ hours (and could have gone on longer were it up to them), they asked to review more and more words and sentences, many more than we’d planned, but it was ok.
We also reviewed, and in the next class we’ll review all the words and word combinations we’ve learned, and move ahead. They want very much to learn to read and write Hebrew; I think I’ll start in the class after next.
The atmosphere was good, occasionally amused. They worked good-humouredly on the words they had trouble pronouncing. They were all satisfied.
Next week’s class will be part of the normal Wednesday morning shift. Rivka will teach them to make items from carton, I’ll continue the Hebrew lessons and Nurit will teach a Hebrew class in Imatin. Afterwards we’ll make our usual circuit of villages and the Habla checkpoint.