Hashmonaim (Ni'ilin), Makkabim (Beit Sira)
06:00 Na’alin checkpoint. The parking lot is full; groups of people wait for transportation. Still another Palestinian man reports they must now be inspected with a new machine. He’s already gone through it three times. He sounds resigned but says there are rumors the radiation may be cancerous. We have no authoritative answer regarding possible damage. The shift manager with whom we spoke confirmed that a body scanner like those at the Erez, Meitar and Tarqumiyya crossings had been installed, by order of the Ministry of Defense. He says they cause no damage – quite the opposite: the inspection procedure is now faster and more efficient. He promised to post signs about the machines to ease apprehension. Do we know for sure there’s no danger to someone crossing and going through the machine daily? Have people at Tarqumiyya and Meitar also expressed concerns?
06:40 Macabbim checkpoint. The parking lot is still full. The flow of people coming through is slow. The area slowly empties, except for a group of men with no regular employer who are waiting to be hired. Two weeks ago we called to the attention of the security officer the fact that the sink next to the toilets wasn’t connected to the sewer line. It’s been repaired.