Haris, Huwwara, Jama'in, Kifl Harith, Za'tara (Tapuah), Zeta
09:00 We left from the Rosh Ha’ayin train station.
09:30 Hars. The Hebrew lesson begins. Six women are already at the club, three more soon arrive. Today’s lesson continues teaching vocabulary about the family: grandfather and grandmother, nieces and nephews, male and female, singular and plural. The new topic is parts of the body, demonstrated using a teddy bear. The women learn quickly, aided by the similarity between the words in Hebrew and Arabic. The women like the plural forms also, and most learn them quickly. A blitz game of pointing to the named part of the body concludes the lesson.
The tour:
09:30 We leave Hars and drive via the villages of Kifl Hars, Qira, Zeita, Jama’in. The pastoral landscape, almond trees in blossom and the absence of any visible military presence lets us momentarily ignore the reality.
10:10 Huwwara. An Israeli police car stops three Palestinian cars, directs them to the parking area and gives them tickets. Vehicles with Israeli license plates go through without being stopped.
As usual, two soldiers sit at the hitchhiking station leading to the Beracha settlement. Two military vehicles are parked in the town of Huwwara.
10:30 Tapuach junction. The lock and chain which closed the gate last week have disappeared. The parking lot is open. A new sight surprises us: Israeli and Palestinian trucks parked back-to-back, transferring merchandise, police and army vehicles parked opposite them but not intervening. The millennium?
11:00 Back to Hars. The Hebrew lesson ends.
11:30 Back to the Rosh Ha’ayin train station.