Hashmonaim (Ni'ilin), Makkabim (Beit Sira)
Macabbim, Hashmona’im
Hashmona’im checkpoint
We reached the checkpoint at 06:12. The parking lot was full of vehicles and people. We saw a steady flow of people emerging from the inspection stations. About 5 Palestinian workers approached us as soon as we got out of the car, worried and concerned. Again they told us how worried they were about the scanner’s effect on their health. They say the number of Palestinians required to go through it increases from day to day. One, a merchant, who transports goods in both directions, has to go through the scanner three times in one day. Another told us that after going through he becomes dizzy. They say refusal to go through the scanner will lead to revocation of their entry permits to Israel. Their request: 1. That only Palestinians who made the metal detector “beep” will have to go through the scanner. 2. That a notice be posted at the scanner, from an authoritative medical source, that it isn’t injurious to their health.
According to those responsible for the checkpoint, the scanner is intended to make inspection faster and more efficient. The Palestinians claim the opposite, that the scanner complicates and lengthens the inspection procedure.
The checkpoint staff continues to ignorethe Palestinians’ legitimate concerns, threatens to confiscate their work permits and to make it harder for them to earn a living. Instead of explaining or distributing informational booklets, the inspection staff chooses to behave inappropriately.
This behavior is unacceptable.
Macabbim checkpoint
We reached the checkpoint at 06:35. The parking lot was still filled with vehicles and Palestinian laborers. We went through the vehicle lane to the inspection station. One soldier who wanted to know where we were headed told us he respected what we were doing. Palestinians risked their lives crossing Highway 443, which was full of trucks. A light but constant flow of Palestinians arrived at the checkpoint for inspection. We joined the line to the left-most inspection station. About twenty Palestinians at the first stage of inspections were crowded around, waiting for their green IDs to be returned.