Imatin, Nabi Ilyas
Translator: Charles K.
10:00 Nabi Ilyas - Nirit H. reporting
R., the center’s director, greeted me. The other women weren’t there even though the meeting time had been scheduled with them in advance. We sat in the warm sun talking about life. She said there’s only one school in the village because construction is prohibited (Area C); boys and girls are together (a problem); the older children attend school in ‘Azzun or Qalqiliya. She plans to bring a group of professionals to talk to the children about sex education and sexual harassment. The village women are more supportive than the men but R. doesn’t intend to back down. She says the Palestinian Authority curriculum includes sex education but teachers don’t address the topic. I told her that such topics are also taught in Israeli schools, and encouraged her. She was glad.
After about 40 minutes two women joined us, along with A., the young man who’d come straight from university. Two women were absent. I asked participants to come on time next week. Since not everyone was present I decided not to teach many new things, but to review what we’d learned and practice conversation. At the end of the period we learned some new words. In the next lesson we’ll begin learning to read.
11:45 The class ended.
*R. updated us that two days ago soldiers again fired tear gas toward ‘Izbet alTabib; an older woman felt ill from inhaling the gas. Never a dull moment…
10:00 Imatin – Sarah H., Nurit P. (reporting)
Some of the women already awaited us. We were sent to a renovated room on the second floor. The women began by cleaning the construction debris. Meanwhile Sarah gave a massage to one of the women whose back hurt. We began the lesson about 15 minutes later. Twelve women were present. They vary widely in how much they know. Some joined the class only recently; others improve by practicing at home. I try to bridge the gaps by combining old and new material. We continued practicing the past tense of verbs and the possessive case. At 11:30 the yoga class began and I continued to work with the new students. We talked a bit about personal matters. I asked whether they’re employed outside the home; they said they’d like to work but since there are no jobs they have to stay home. The lesson ended at 12:30.
As we drove back on Highway 55 we saw two armored military vehicles heading east.
13:05 Habla gate is open. It’s quiet. Very light traffic in both directions.