Ras Abu Sbitan (Olive Terminal), Sawahira ash Sharkiya, Sheikh Saed
6:45 Sheikh Saed
It rained a lot yesterday. The section of the wall that was built looks very crooked. We climb up the hill and discover that the slope recently prepared for "upgrading" the checkpoint has collapsed at certain points -- it seems dangerous to stand on the edge. We joke with the transportation people about falling off -- into Israel.
What is no joke is the residents' complaints about many homes without water since last night. They think a pipe was damaged in the collapse; tried calling the DCO, etc. We report to the humanitarian centre and Jerusalem Envelope headquarters. The services come from the Palestinian Authority, but the water supply comes from Israel...
Sawahira ash Sharkiya
We drove there to see the aftermath of the rains. In previous years there was an enormous puddle at the entrance to the checkpoint. Not this time -- the checkpoint stands like a fortress, high and dry. Two female soldiers stand behind the armoured glass -- only a couple of months into their military service, and already here. They don't know who we are, and don't care.
Outside, many children wait for transportation to their schools in Jerusalem.
8:15 Olive Terminal (Ras abu Sabitan
In the dangerous game of hunters-hunted (tracing illegal residents), today the hunters are unoccupied, for tactical or other reasons. Otherwise, the checkpoint is wonderfully empty.