On the way to Im'matin, at the entrance to ‘Izbet alTabib, we noticed an armored military vehicle partly blocking the entrance to the village.
We reached Im'matin an hour late because we first visited the women’s club in ‘Azzun.
The women in Im'matin awaited us patiently in the classroom.
They were seated in a semicircle when we arrived. When I glanced at the blackboard behind me I noticed the women’s names written in Hebrew. They’d practiced while waiting.
During class we discussed why we hadn’t met last week when it had rained.
Then, instead of a lesson, I talked about what I’d seen on my tour that morning with Nadim. We used the account to practice the past tense of verbs.
The atmosphere was good, accompanied by laughter.
At 12:00 Sarah began the yoga class, which also lasted an hour.