We convened at the old council building, in a room we prepared with the coordinator and the local children, for the projection of a film. This time it was an experimental activity which was initiated by Ricky and all of us joined her, with the support of the Far'ata women. Over twenty of our Palestinian friends arrived at the club.
The film that was chosen after many considerations and extensive searches was "The Lemon Tree". At the end of the projection we held a discussion led by Ricky and translated by Fathhiya.
The conversation was very lively and open. Many women were disturbed by the story of the widow's falling in love with the lawyer. One even said that this offended her struggle for her land. There were some who even said they preferred happy films.
It was important for us to hear them, to express again our decisive opinions about the occupation, and also to draw conclusion and to examine the continuation of the enterprise.
Meanwhile, alongside the current activities, we look forward to go out with the lovely women of Far'ata, for a beach day.