'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Tzafrira Zamir, Neta Golan (Reporting) Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham

14:50 – A'anin Checkpoint

Five farmers driving tractors and three more are waiting.  They told us that the soldiers had confiscated many people's permits.  The soldiers arrived a bit late and opened the checkpoint.  They checked each tractor meticulously.  They allowed people to bring bags of used clothing that we had brought across the checkpoint.  They were not permitted to bring other bags across.  It is not clear to us what the "criteria" are. 

15:25 – The few people left have already crossed.  The soldiers tell us that according to the list of people who had crossed in the morning; two more people should have come.  We left.

15:35 – Shaked – Tura Checkpoint

Two cars crossed to the West Bank and one to the seamline zone.  Two women and five children cross to the seamline zone and wait for a car to pick them up.

16:10 – Reihan Barta'a, Seamline Zone Side

There are beautiful red and pink roses blooming in the lot at the entrance to the checkpoint…what a lovely occupation!

There are a lot of workers descending the sleeveinfo-icon and passing through the new lane without entering.  A few people, mostly women students, are crossing to the seamline zone from the West Bank   A few families in holiday clothes cross in both directions. 

A resident of A'anin who has land in the seamline zone tells us that he has not received a work permit.

We left at 16:45 and the checkpoint was "running smoothly."  A few workers are still arriving and many greet us.