'Azzun, Imatin
9:30 Azzun – About 15 women arrive at the club for our activity. They enter smiling, glad to meet. One group works with Ruti who intends to teach them crochet. Her idea is to create patterns inspired by nature – colorful leaves and flowers in various combinations with boundless creativity and imagination. Most impressive is her ability to act upon the many ideas at hand. She has prepared special needles and materials for work. A second group is led by Dafna, knitting colored socks. This project was enthusiastically received in Nabi Eliyas, and is now ongoing in Azoun.
9:45 driving to Imatin. On our way we see an armored army vehicle parked near the gas station opposite Izbat Tabib.
10:00 Imatin. Nine women await me, we continue to practice verbs in the past tense and the verb ‘to be’. They find it difficult, the examples are from everyday life and so they practice and internalize the material. The atmosphere is pleasant and our hour passes quickly.
11:30 back at Azzun. Ruti painfully tells us the story of one of the women. Her 18-year old son, a trained mechanic, has not been able to find work and is now sitting idle at home. He tried to work in Israel in the past, but without the necessary permits, and was arrested. Despair and hopelessness gnaw at the family and they fear for his future.