Etzion DCL
13:30: Very few people in the waiting room, many women among them. The service is fast today. People mainly ask us to find out their status – are they prevented from entering Israel and what kind of prevention? GSS? Police?
Most of our time in DCO was devoted to a single man who was waiting for captain Banay of the GSS. His summons was for the 18th, but he could not come that day because he was elsewhere. He came the next day and waited all day in vain. Today we tried to find out whether the man who summoned him was there or if there was another GSS representative there - to no avail. The head of DCO tried to help, but he, too, gave up in the end. He promised to inform the GSS that the man has arrived - but this of course was only an ad hoc solution. We contacted other officers at the administration – with no solution.
We noticed that the Palestinians were treated to fruit while waiting. When we tried to understand what happened we found out that soldiers confiscated the wares of a Palestinians who tried to sell fruit on the side of the road and they threw the fruits into the DCO’s trash. The people waiting and we too enjoyed the wonderful fruit - despite the pangs of conscience.
We left at 15:45.