Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan
7:00 Tura-Shaked
The checkpoint opens on time. Whoever arrives go through at once, especially children. The Bank manager was called to the checkpoint by his brother: His new car was left at the village of Tura on the other side of the fence because it has still not been registered in his passage permit for crossing into the Seam Line zone.
The big garbage container was emptied and the sleeve has been cleaned but all the rest was as filthy as it always has been.
7:50 Ya'abed-Mevoh Dotan checkpoint
The site is deserted. No soldiers to be seen this morning. A few cars drove through quickly. On the way to the checkpoint, opposite the gate which blocks the side road to Ya'abed, a military Jeep is parked and a soldier stands next to it.
08:05 Barta;a-Rihan checkpoint
The car park on the Palestinian side is once again filled up, while the construction over there is not completed, as far as we observe.
People appear content this morning; they say that in comparison with the last three mornings, when the checkpoint confronted challenges, this morning is free of problems.
Through the eyes of my guest I notice the over-decorated, kitschy checkpoint.
9:00 We left.