Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills
I was afraid to go, but decided to do so anyway in order to see with my own eyes what the situation is and remind the Palestinians there are still Israelis who want peace.
There are no laborers going through Meitar checkpoint at this hour, only vehicles. Control is lax. The parking lot is full of Palestinian cars.
Highway 317 is almost empty of vehicles; no military vehicles. Minister of Housing Uri Ariel apparently approved the expansion of the illegal outposts of Asahel and Avigail by ten more prefabs each. The same in Eshtamoa.
Reservist soldiers next to a bulldozer replacing roadblocks between Kvasim junction and the intersection of Highways 356 and 60.
A Palestinian truck on the road, collecting donations for the people of Gaza.
The entrance to Hebron from Shuyukh (the plaza near the girls’ school) is still closed by a gate and concrete blocks.
The balloon floats above Beit Haggai. The gate is open.
Hebron. Palestinians we met were moved by our visit, asked how we were. Large numbers of children playing in the streets. No detainees at the checkpoints. Soldiers at the Tel Rumeida checkpoint act as teachers, separating Palestinian children from the children of settlers who’d come to annoy them. Many peace activists gathered there – it appears that something will happen any minute…We break it up and go for coffee with Fa’iza.
In general, the atmosphere isn’t tense, and there’s a desire for peace. There’s nothing to fear.