Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Nili M., Hagit B. (reporting); Translator: Devorah K.

This is what we saw:

  • At the Metar CP a young colonist (20 years old) with a girl of 10 looking for a hitch to the Regional Council of South Mount Hebron in a place caller Metarim. We took them. Their carelessness unnerved us very much. It seems that the driver of the children's bus from Susia was not ready to stop for them there. And after that they cry about kidnapings ... (not that it is legitimate to kidnap people ...)
  • The illegal colony Assael is now double in size and there are preparations for still more caravans. Illegal construction of theirs is not taken down. The inspector who came to destroy the Bedouin's illegal houses is from there. Taking control of lands is allowed only to one side of the conflict (the Jewish side).
  • On the lands at the side of the road they are finishing the olive-picking. They are ploughing and planting - ploughing with an ass - planting seeds by hand, and they are planting vegetables.
  • The junction of Shuyukh-Hebron was opened for a Palestinian vehicle - for the time being this is without a pillbox. At the entrance to Kiryat Arba - there are three big military vehicles. We didn't observe any activity.
  • Many many children are playing in the streets of Hebron.
  • A military command car turns from the Zion axis to the road of the prayers.
  • Two detaineesinfo-icon are freed quickly at the drug store CP.
  • Police Cars of TIPH police are driving around the streets of H2.
  • The balloon is floating above Bet Hagai.
  • At the Dura - el-Pawwar junction the soldiers got out of the pillbox and set up a mobile CP in the direction of Dura. A queue of cars is waiting but they haven't detained anyone.
  • Police cars in the area of Metar are trying 'to catch' illegals who are on their way back from their day's work.

That is it. The occupation goes on as usual and no special tension could be seen.