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Shosh Chen and Sara Kiartes in Nadim's vehicle.


We arrived at Jurish this time at 14:30, just a small group of girl students awaited us, probably because of the sudden winter weather which kept others at home. On the other hand we met A., the coordinator who was in the building since the morning and although she had to hurry home she welcomed us warmly and stayed another hour in order to chat with us. We met some other women, amongst which was a young mother with her babyinfo-icon and a women who specialized in baking birthday cakes coated with the picture of the celebrant. They showed us proudly a cake she had baked for the birthday of a child (I promised to order from her a cake for my granddaughter's birthday).


After the conversation with the ladies Sara and I held a free conversation with the girls on day to day matters. We also held a very successful Yoga lesson directed by Sara and enjoyed using the mattresses which Sara had obtained as a donation from one of the Yoga institutes in Tel Aviv.


At the end of the meeting Sara asked S., the leader of the girls, to find a teacher of Arabic for her whom she would pay. S. volunteered gladly but isn't ready to accept any  payment, on no account. We shall have to think how one copes with the refusal to accept payment.


On the way back, at the Tapuah junction, there were no soldiers. At the Hares junction we noticed a military jeep parking on the side.


It was too late so we didn't enter ‘Azzun ‘Atma as we had planned. Next week we shall hold the visit at the CP and the intersections before proceeding to Jurish.