Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Roni S., Ruthi T. (Reporting). Translation: Bracha B.A.


06:05 – Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint

A large number of workers is waiting on the seamline zone side for rides to work or for employers to come and pick them up.  We drove to the parking lot on the West Bank side and saw many workers coming out of the terminal. 

The parking lot is not yet completely full.  Workers are entering and passing through without delay, even without having to enter in groups of five. 

We hear that in the early morning hours there are usually no problems at the Yaabed Checkpoint.  The difficulty usually begins after 08:00.  

We drove back and walked down the sleeveinfo-icon to the upper entrance to the terminal.  Three windows are operating – in comparison to other mornings, things are better.  A young worker whom we've met entering the terminal comes out 11 minutes later.  People complain about the way the checkpoint operates in the afternoon when they return from work: only one window is open, and even this does not get people through fast enough. We also heard people complaining that the checkpoint often opens late on Fridays, causing people to be late for work.  Not all employers accept this with understanding.


07:00 – Shaked – Tura Checkpoint

We arrive at the checkpoint ahead of the soldiers, who slowly walk up the road to the checkpoint. We inform the commander that their tardiness is unacceptable.  The people who work in the Shahak Industrial Zone are often late to work as a result, which interferes with their ability to earn a living.  He nods.

The first worker emerges at 07:13, and at 07:20the third comes out.  We are told that this morning Jalameh Checkpoint has been closed and some people had to come over to Shaked-Tura from the to cross.  We don't know whether they have permits to cross here.  School children come with open notebooks and books.  Today they have examinations and tomorrow school vacation begins. Occasionally we hear angry shouting from the rear gate.

At 08:00 there are still some workers waiting in front of the turnstile.