We reached ‘Isla a little after 10:00. N., who’s in charge of the kindergarten, welcomed us. On our previous visit we saw that the sole activity for the 4 year-olds was coloring pictures. This time we brought toys to vary their activity.
We wanted to leave the toys in the kindergarten but N. told us there wasn’t a secure place for them. She took us to G.’s home, where we left the packages. N. will bring them each time to the kindergarten.
We met additional village women in G’s living room. The plan was for Tikva to teach knitting, but we all preferred to sit and chat. The women enjoyed showing us how rich the Arabic language was. We learned some synonyms in Arabic. At the end of the visit we showed them examples of knitting, as an idea for the next meeting. We were there for about an hour and a half and parted in a friendly manner.