Bethlehem (300)

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Clair Oren, Translation: Naomi Gal

9:10 – 11:00


Today, as well, by far less people, relatively, less than a week ago, but still quite a few are standing in line. The age limit today is 55 for men, 50 for women. Some progress…Would we get by next week to really young people?  There are technical problems today too, but less than last week. Around 10.00 they open two more windows (I think 8-7). If they’d opened 4 windows since morning people would probably not wait that long, but they have man-power problems...

Many children frequented the checkpoint today. One of them looked at the long queue and then saw the empty window serving those who enter Bethlehem, swiftly he bent and passed. Intoxicated by his victory, smiling from ear to ear, he looked at the docile adults that provide documents and press their fingers, waiting for the soldier’s approval, and run happily out. Five boys followed him, once they realized that neither the security guard nor the soldier in the window yelled at them. They were really young kids but we already witnessed a five-year-old Palestinian child, or even babies having to present a deed. And we know that Palestinian children 15 years old (and even 13) are imprisoned in Israeli jails.

An Ecumenical volunteer was present till 10:00